40 YEAR STRUCTURAL INSPECTIONS. University Park, Palm Beach County.

40 Year Structural inspections for Recertification of buildings, Structural inspections, Tags: commercial property condition assessment, Structural Engineers, Forensic Engineers, Condo Milestone Inspections, commercial building Inspections.

The 40 Year Structural Inspections Program is for your building to get a structural condition assessment when it is 40 years old. This program has been in effect for more than a decade. and applies to any commercial buildings, including schools, in Broward and Miami-Dade county. Property managers or business owners must consult with structural engineers to have a proper inspection completed at 40 years and then once every 10 years afterward. These inspections are designed to keep people safer from possible building failure during extreme weather conditions and other scenarios.

Purpose of the 40 Year Structural Inspections

The main purpose of the program is to ensure the building is safe from a structural and electrical standpoint. many structural engineers spend the majority of their time conducting inspections on older buildings, and they are required to prepare a report of their findings. Buildings older than 40 Year Structural Inspections Daytona old may not be strong enough to withstand hurricane-force winds and other weather phenomenons, so the purpose of the inspection program is to ensure the building is as safe as possible to prevent injury or death.

All 40 Year Structural Inspections performed by Engineers

In Broward and Miami-Dade county, there are very few exceptions where a building would not have to have a commercial property condition assessment. Even if you haven’t used a particular building in years, the property owner is still responsible for participating in the program. The first step a property owner must take is to look for the best structural engineers. These engineers can help you through the process to ensure compliance from start to finish.

40 year Structural Inspections

Timeline for the Inspection. Condo Milestone Inspections

When it comes time for a 40 year Structural Inspections in Broward and Miami-Dade county, the property owner will receive a notice that an inspection is due. At that point the property owner will have 90 days to find a structural engineer to complete an inspection of the building and submit a report to either the city or the county. The report will indicate what parts of the building (if any) need to be repaired or replaced. The property owner will have another 180 days to complete the necessary repair work. The structural engineer will then prepare another report following the completed repairs. It’s important to find only the best Broward and Miami-Dade county structural engineers to complete your 40 Year Building Safety Inspection. Be sure to contact us to get in touch with one of our experienced professionals to help you complete your inspection.


Most 40 year old buildings will have some degree of necessary Concrete Restoration required to pass the inspection. For years, we have diligently and carefully performed re-certification inspections and concrete restoration projects. EMA is very experienced with concrete restoration projects.

The 40 year and older Building Safety Inspection Program was created in 2005 and became effective throughout Broward County in January 2006. Modeled after Miami-Dade County’s program, which was established in the mid 1970s, Broward’s program calls for structural and electrical safety inspections for buildings 40 years old or older and every ten years thereafter. One and two family dwellings, U.S Government, State of Florida buildings, schools under the jurisdiction of the B.C. School Board, and buildings built on Indian Reservations are exempt from this program. Miami-Dade County’s effort exempts other buildings under 2,000 square feet while the Broward program excludes all buildings under 3,500 square feet. Both Counties have had instances of structural building failures. By having such a program in effect we are minimizing the possibilities of future building failure and will be better prepared for hurricane winds


Initial Inspection

Our licensed engineers will conduct the inspection as per the guidelines and provide a written engineering report on our findings. This report will identify all structurally deficient items that need to be corrected to pass the inspection. These inspections will include interior inspection of the units of the building. The firm will visually examine all of the Electrical Elements of your buildings and prepare the Electrical portion(s) of the 40-year Re-certification report with our findings. The structural inspections cover all the structural components of your building including beams, columns and decks of parking garages, plaza decks, pools, balconies catwalks, and roofing assemblies.


Our engineers will prepare a complete set of construction documents including plans and specifications with a cost estimate and bid tabulations if requested and pay for by the client. In addition the firm will prepare the bid documents to obtain bids from qualified contractors for the necessary work to bring the building(s) into compliance for the 40-year recertification. The firm will assist the Board of Directors in acquiring & evaluating competitive bids for the necessary repairs.

Florida’s 40-Year Building Recertification Inspection is a critical milestone for property owners. Mandated by various municipalities across the state, this inspection ensures buildings meet current safety and structural integrity standards. For owners of aging properties, understanding this process is essential to maintaining compliance, protecting tenants, and avoiding fines or penalties. 

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the purpose of the 40-Year Recertification in Florida, what the inspection involves, and why partnering with an experienced engineering firm like EMA is key to seamless compliance. 

What is the 40-Year Building Recertification Inspection? 

The 40-Year Recertification Inspection is a safety measure established to evaluate the structural and electrical systems of buildings that are 40 years or older. Initiated in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, the program has become a statewide standard to ensure older properties remain safe for occupants. 

Purpose of the Inspection: 

  • Safety Compliance: Detect potential hazards in aging structures. 
  • Modernization: Align older buildings with updated codes. 
  • Longevity: Extend the building’s useful life through repairs and maintenance. 
  • Liability Prevention: Mitigate risks associated with property damage or injury. 

Who Needs a 40-Year Inspection? 

The inspection applies to: 

  • Buildings over 3,500 square feet that are 40 years old or older. 
  • Structures in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, with other Florida counties adopting similar requirements. 


  • Single-family homes, duplexes, and minor structures (e.g., sheds or utility spaces under specific size thresholds) are typically excluded. 

Key Components of the 40-Year Recertification 

1. Structural Inspection 

  • Objective: Assess the condition of the foundation, walls, roofs, balconies, and floors. 
  • Focus Areas: Cracks, water intrusion, corrosion, and material degradation. 

2. Electrical Inspection 

  • Objective: Ensure electrical systems meet modern safety standards. 
  • Focus Areas: Wiring, panels, grounding systems, and circuit breakers. 

3. Documentation Review 

  • Reviewing blueprints, maintenance records, and past inspections to provide context for findings. 

4. Report Submission 

  • Engineers provide a detailed report summarizing their findings.
  • Recommendations for repairs or updates must be addressed to achieve compliance.